KV students return to physical classes, attendance highest among board classes
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After the phased reopening of the Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs) across the country, the number of students attending the physical classes has increased. The Ministry of dedication on Monday informed that an average of 42 per cent of class 9 students, 65 per cent of class 10, about 48 per cent and 67 per cent of class 11 and 12 students, respectively have started to attend physical classes.
The number of students attending physical exams is higher in the board classes – 10th and 12th. The rest of the students, however, are attending classes online. The data is collected till February 11, informed the ministry. “These figures are dynamic and trends indicate consistent increase every day,” it added.
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The reopening started with senior students. Face-to-face classes for standard 1 to 8 have also been started in some KVs where state governments have permitted to open schools for junior grades.
“Regular contact with the parents and guardians is being established by the schools in case of any apprehension from students/parents. Students are being permitted with the prior consent of their guardians,” the ministry said in an official statement. “However, for students who are not attending the school, the provision of online classes is also running. Students are also in touch with their teachers through various digital platforms,” it added.
During the pandemic, 32,247 teachers from KVs across India had conducted online classes and 7,07,312 students have benefitted from these classes, the ministry had informed earlier.
Meanwhile, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNVs) — the residential school of the government has started phase-wise reopening. At first, classes will only commence physically where the state government has allowed reopening schools. For classes 10 and 12 too, only students who have consent from parents will be allowed to attend the classes.