Madras University result: University of Madras First Semester Results to be announced this week


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CHENNAI: University of Madras will declare this week the results of more than two lakh candidates who had appeared for online exams conducted between December 2020 and February 2021.

More than 50,000 first year students appeared for first semester exams conducted from February 10 to 23. The university also conducted an arrear exam for around 60,000 students between December 21 and February 10. One lakh had registered for the arrear exam in April 2020 that the government cancelled in August citing Covid. But a high court order in December directed all the state universities to conduct the arrear exams.

The university will release the second year exam results.

“The colleges which received questions from the university have sent them to students through WhatsApp. The students wrote the exams from their homes and sent the answer sheets on the same day to the respective colleges. The colleges evaluated the answer scripts and sent the marks to the university. The exams were not monitored. It was conducted based on mutual trust,” a principal from a city college said.

Anna University is also preparing to publish by the last week of March the results of 4.25 lakh students who appeared for an online proctored test. Among the students, 2.7 lakh have appeared for arrear exams.

“In architecture, there is a paper called theory-cum-studio. Besides the test, experts wanted to conduct viva for 20% marks. After conducting viva for this paper, we will release the results,” an official said.



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