BSEB Class 12 result 2021 not releasing this month


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Bihar Board BSEB 12th Result 2021: Amid the speculation regarding the intermediate exam result date, the Bihar School Education Board (BSEB) confirmed that the class 12 result will not be announced this month.

“The evaluation process will take some time, but can be faster than last year as the pandemic phase is almost over. There was a little trouble last year due to lockdown restrictions, but the board announced the class 12 result in record 40 days on March 24,” the board official mentioned. In 2020 too, the exam was concluded on February 13.

This year, nearly 13.50 lakh students appeared for the intermediate exam, which was 12 lakh last year. Once released, the students can check the result through the websites-,

Considering the pandemic situations, the students were provided with 100 per cent choice or alternate attempts for the questions asked in the paper. A total of 10 sets of each paper were drafted as an anti-cheating measure.

The board matric (class 10) exam will begin from February 17, and like intermediate exam, all precautions will be taken to ensure cheating-free exams. Every exam centre will have CCTV cameras, one videographer will be appointed, section 144 within a 100-metre radius of the exam centre, among several other measures.

The students also have to follow the mandatory Covid-19 guidelines and social distancing norms.



Bihar Board BSEB intermediate exams for 13.5 lakh students over


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The Bihar School Education Board (BSEB), Patna has concluded the board exams for or class 12. The exams had started on February 1 across 1473 exam centres and concluded on February 13. About 13.50 lakh students had registered to appeared for the exam despite the pandemic. The board claims to have ensured proper sanitisation and Covid-19 related protocol.

To ensure safety during the exams, the Bihar Board had set up a 24 hours control room. Candidates had to undergo two levels of frisking as an anti-cheating measure. Only candidates who were free of any cheating material of any kind and without possession of any barred items were allowed to enter the exam hall, as per the board.

Read | 73 lakh answer scripts, 28 days: How Bihar Board declared ‘fastest’ result amid coronavirus lockdown

Due to the pandemic, Bihar Board had given 100 per cent choice or alternate for almost all the questions in the exam. A total of 10 sets of each paper were drafted as an anti-cheating measure.

Just like last year, the board has become the first among academic boards to hold the exams. Subsequently, it is expected that the board would also declare the result sooner than the rest of the boards. Most of the boards are holding exams in May and the result is expected by July. The academic session has been postponed due to the pandemic.
