NEW DELHI: The Arvind Kejriwal government on Tuesday has announced the setting up of the Delhi Board of School Education (DBSE).
Taking to Twitter, Delhi’s Directorate of Education has announced, “Now Delhi has its own education board. Delhi Education Board got registered today.”
The directorate of education has congratulated students, teachers, and other stakeholders adding that this will bring the most awaited reform in their assessment system.
In the coming 2021-22 academic session, 20 to 25 schools will be under the new board, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal had earlier said.
On March 6, Kejriwal has informed that Delhi Cabinet has given approval for the constitution of its own school education board – the Delhi Board of School Education.
The Board will have a Governing Body, chaired by the Education Minister. It will also have an Executive Body for day-to-day functions and will be headed by a CEO. Both bodies will have experts – from professional industries, the education sector, principals of government and private schools, and bureaucrats.
At present, there are about 1,000 government schools and 1,700 private schools in Delhi, nearly all of which are affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).
In July last year, the Delhi government had constituted two committees to prepare the scheme and framework for the formation of the state education board and curriculum reforms.
The Central Board of Secondary Education will conduct the class 12 examinations in May and June, 2021.
CBSE class 12 Physics exam is slated to be held on June 8, 2021. The exam will be conducted from 10.30 am to 1.30 pm. The answer books will be distributed to candidates between 10.00 am to 10.15 am.
After writing the particulars on the answer book, students will be given 15 minutes to read the question paper. Students can start writing the answers from 10.30 am.
CBSE class 12 Physics theory paper is of 70 marks and the duration will be three hours. CBSE has released the sample papers of the board examination on its official website to help students with their exam preparation.
Candidates can check the CBSE class 12 Physics sample question paper 2021 from the link given below.
The revised syllabus of CBSE class 12 Physics is divided into nine units as follows — Electrostatics, Current Electricity, Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism, Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents, Electromagnetic Waves, Optics, Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter, Atoms and Nuclei, and Electronic Devices. Unit I and II is of 16 marks, Unit III and Iv is of 17 marks, Unit V and VI is of 18 marks, Unit VII and VIII is of 12 marks and Unit IX is of 7 marks.
Students can check the revised syllabus of CBSE 12th Physics from the link given below.
1. Remembering: Exhibit memory of previously learned material by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts, and answers.
Understanding: Demonstrate understanding of facts and ideas by organizing, comparing, translating, interpreting, giving descriptions, and stating main ideas. Section 1 is of 27 marks.
2. Applying: Solve problems to new situations by applying acquired knowledge, facts, techniques, and rules in a different way. This section is of 22 marks.
3. Analysing: Examine and break information into parts by identifying motives or causes. Make inferences and find evidence to support generalizations.
Evaluating: Present and defend opinions by making judgments about information, validity of ideas, or quality of work based on a set of criteria.
Creating: Compile information together in a different way by combining elements in a new pattern or proposing alternative solutions. This section is of 21 marks.
Will CBSE conduct board exam 2021? The Central Board of Secondary Education is all set to commence the Board exams for classes 10 and 12 from May 4, 2021.
Is CBSE date sheet released? Yes, the Central Board of Secondary Education has released the date sheet for classes 10 and 12 on its official website.
When will CBSE commence the Board exam 2021? According to the date sheet issued on the Board’s website, the Central Board of Secondary Education will commence the Board exams 2021 on May 4.
Is the CBSE date sheet 2021 revised? CBSE date sheet 2021 has been revised by the board and released the revised schedule on March 4.
Over 6.5 lakh teachers from across the country cleared the Centralised Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). The candidates will receive digital certificates for the first time for the exam conducted on January 31.
In accordance with the provisions of sub-section (1) of Section 23 of the RTE Act, the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) has stated that candidates should pass TET which will be conducted by the appropriate authorities.
For paper I, about 12.4 lakh candidates appeared and for paper II, 11 lakh candidates gave the test from various zones of CBSE. Of these, nearly 6.5 lakh qualified.
The mark sheet of candidates, who appeared in CTET examination will be available in Digi Locker to those who have qualified. The candidates will be provided with login details on their registered cellphone numbers, director of CTET, Anurag Tripathi, said.
The mark sheets and eligibility certificates will also contain an encrypted QR code to enhance security. The QR code can be scanned and verified using the Digi locker mobile app, he added.
DigiLocker will minimise the use of physical mark sheets and eligibility certificates and it will be easy to validate the authenticity of these documents electronically.
No matter how well you’ve prepared so far for CBSE Board Exams 2021 especially after the release of CBSE Date Sheet, the last two months before the exams are highly crucial. Presence of mind, perseverance, and the will to study are a few essential practices for students appearing for the board exams. Students should be patient, confident, sincere, and hard-working during exam times. Below mentioned are the top study tips that every student must follow to score to the best of their abilities.
1. Time Table
For some students, preparing a well-organized time-table with designated hours for studying, relaxing and sleeping proves very effective. Maintaining a daily ritual of similar study hours and relaxation time helps students keep track of their progress and lower their stress. Now is the time to make sure you do daily revision from CBSE Question Banks and practice from CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 & 12 as well. But if time-tables are not your forte, try studying at regular intervals and bring some punctuality to your study hours. Dedicate the required time for each subject.
Tushar Singh, a CBSE Class 12 Topper from Delhi Public School, Bulandshahr, secured full marks in his 2020 board exam — an incredible 500 out of 500.
Here is what he says!
“I didn’t take any tuitions for the CBSE 12th board exams. I did take tuitions in class 11, but in class 12, I got my doubts solved from my school teachers only,” says Tushar Singh.
He also solved sample papers from Oswaal to prepare himself further.
2. Regular Performance Analysis
Students studying for board exams often spend countless hours studying and revising but forget to analyse where they stand in the race. Students need to dedicate a few hours every day solving at least one Sample Paper. Oswaal CBSE Sample Question Papers are strictly based on the reduced syllabus and include the latest Typologies of Questions introduced for this year’s board examination. In addition to this, they include Handwritten Toppers’ Answer Sheet, Answering Tips, Commonly Made Errors, Mind Maps & more. Solving these Sample Papers will give you a reality check of your preparations so far.
Divyanshi Jain scored 600 marks out of a total of 600 to get 100 percent in CBSE Class 12 result 2020.
The youngster credited her parents and teachers for her success, stating that her teachers guided her throughout the year and that she was able to follow a systematic routine due to her parents. “I also made it a point to focus on revision and mock tests that helped me to score better,” she added.
3. Sleep and Breaks
The biggest blunder that most students make is lack of sleep during preparation. A regular 7-8 hours of sleep is indispensable. Sleep is the only time when the daily learning of a person gets absorbed or consolidated in the brain. Without sleep, students cannot retain what they’ve learned. Hence, sleep is essential.
4. Revision and Books
By now, most of the students must have completed their syllabus in schools, institutes, and tuitions, and revision must have already started. But, merely by-hearting the question is not a solution to scoring the highest marks. The highest marks are scored by students who not only remember what they have studied but also understand the concepts. It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve learned if you didn’t understand the subject in the first place.
Refer to a few good CBSE Question Banks for extensive practice of questions varying difficulty levels and typologies. Oswaal CBSE Question Banks for Class 10 & 12 are very useful for systematic revision during these last few months. They are neatly segregated Chapter-wise & Topic-wise and include NCERT Questions, Previous Years’ Board Questions with their detailed solutions.
To buy these Oswaal CBSE Question Banks for Class 10 & 12, click here:
5. Subject-specific Preparation
As students enter higher studies, each subject requires special attention. English and Mathematics can’t be studied similarly; all the subjects are different hence treat them with unique preparation. One way to monitor your performance is to solve CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 & 12 within the stipulated time (3 hours) to test your answering skills and time management.
Mathematics: Numbers should always be with you. You can’t score the highest marks simply by knowing all the formulas; you need to understand their logic and derivations for facing any type of questions during board exams. Tables and formulas must regularly be revised during the preparation for Mathematics. While solving the question, write down all the data given in the question and use them to obtain the answers.
Science: Biology, Physics, and Chemistry are the parts of Science, and each subject requires equal attention as they share similar weightage. Biology requires extensive reading and understanding. It involves diagrams, terms, and functions. Chemistry is highly scoring since it is very logical. Reactions, terms, formulas are the parts of chemistry. Physics is the deciding factor. It requires understanding fundamental concepts, laws and some theorems.
Languages: English, Hindi, Sanskrit, etc. are all languages and highly scoring if given attention. Grammar is the deciding factor of every language. Studying literature is very important and each chapter and poem can be easily remembered if you understand their meaning.
Social Science/Studies: This subject is not always given the credit it deserves. Not only is Social Science very important in life, but it is also easy to study with practice. The trick is to read the chapter like a story and understand why we study history, political science, and geography. Do preferential studying, focus more on the chapters that are easily understood and scoring. History subject involves lots of dates, so preparing flowcharts, tables, and creative visualisations often helps students remember.
Solving various CBSE Question Banks & CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 & 12 can help students gain confidence in their preparation and keep them on the ground while preparing. Make sure you follow the study tips mentioned above in order to score your best.
The Central Board of Secondary Education has released the hall ticket for junior assistant, senior assistant and stenographer skill test at The shortlisted candidates can download the CBSE junior assistant, senior assistant and stenographer skill test hall ticket 2019 by using their registered user id and password. Out of total candidates who have appeared in computer-based test, 2,205 candidates were selected for junior assistant post, 327 scrutinized for stenographer vacancy and 680 candidates were shortlisted for senior assistant position for the skill test. The board has conducted the CBSE junior assistant, senior assistant and stenographer CBT test 2019 in January last year and the result was declared on October 27. The venue and date of the CBSE assistant and stenographer skill test 2019are provided in the admit card.
How to download CBSE assistant and stenographer skill test 2019 admit card:
Step 1: The hall ticket for CBSE assistant and stenographer skill test 2019 can be downloaded from the official website
Step 2: Scroll down the homepage and go to the recruitment tab
Step 3: Now, click on the direct link for senior assistant, junior assistant and stenographer skill test admit card 2019
Step 4: In the new window, enter your registered user id and password
Step 5: Download CBSE senior assistant/junior assistant/stenographer skill test hall ticket and take a print out of it
Direct link to download the CBSE assistant and stenographer skill test 2019admit card
A few days ago, the board has released an official notification regarding the postponement of skill test on the website. Read the notification here.
The board has also uploaded the layout for the Hindi typing as well as the mock test link for both Hindi and English typing separately. The direct link for the same is also provided here: