Delhi Shooting World Cup: More shooters, including Indians, test Covid-positive | More sports News – Times of India
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Sources said that the fresh positive results include a female foreign athlete and two men from the Indian pistol team.
“Three more shooters have been tested positive,” said the source talking to “Two are males from the Indian pistol team and an overseas female shooter.”
“Shooters, who have tested positive, have been isolated,” the source further said.
“The roommates of the Covid-positive shooters have tested negative and will participate in their respective events,” the official source confirmed.
The final of the men and women 10m air rifle, along with the qualifying round and final of men and women 10m air pistol are scheduled for Saturday (March 20).
“Of course, the positive shooters, along with their roommates, won’t participate,” the source added.
The names of the shooters who have tested positive have so far been withheld.
The World Cup officially began on March 18 and runs till March 29.