[Webinar] Empowering Educators: The Kind Of Tech You Need In EdTech


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This is a webinar for EdTech startups, founders, entrepreneurs, & the EdTech investment community organized by EdTechReview in association with AWS EdStart.

Empowering Educators: The Kind Of Tech You Need In EdTech

Webinar Start Countdown

Friday, 11th March 2022 @ 04 PM (IST)

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 Teachers spend a lot of time developing lesson plans to make it fit for all students & their learning styles and teach the class with their best efforts to help students excel. Schools use EdTech products to support teachers with the teaching-learning process and deliver learning outcomes.

Because of the variety and scale of the industry, a single solution is not fit for all needs. With such a wide array of needs and trends, we see many EdTech solutions that cater for different needs.

So, to make a successful EdTech solution that every school and its teachers would accept, it is essential to know what kind of technology educators need.

Knowing what EdTech do these educators need is step one.

In this webinar, learn from our expert speakers,

  • what kind of tech is demanded in the market
  • how lending ears to teachers helped them build successful products
  • how edtech can open up opportunities for educators to craft personalized learning plans
  • how the introduction of edtech tools is helping educators improve the teaching-learning experience & more.

Webinar for EdTechs, Founders & Investors

Topic: Empowering Educators: The kind of tech you need in EdTech

Friday, 11th March 2022 @ 04 PM (IST)

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aditya singhal

Aditya Singhal
Co-Founder, ByteLearn

uttam kumar

Uttam Kumar Pandey
Founder, CEO, Perceived Design

Utkarsh Lokesh 1

Utkarsh Lokesh
CEO & Editor, EdTechReview (Moderator)

Who Should Attend?

EdTech Startups, educational founders, entrepreneurs, EdTech segment heads and managers, investors, incubators, accelerators, higher education institution leaders, etc.

About AWS EdStart

AWS EdStart, the AWS educational technology (EdTech) startup accelerator, is designed to help entrepreneurs build the next generation of online learning, analytics, and campus management solutions in the AWS Cloud. The program is designed with specially tailored benefits to enable EdTech startups to move faster. Learn More.

About the Author

EdTechReview (ETR) is a premier media platform and community for educational stakeholders to connect and find useful news, information and resources on educational technology having a niche subscriber base of 120K+ and an annual readership of 3M+ from over 220 countries and territories across the globe.
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