MBSE HSLC exams from April 1, check date sheet


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Mizoram Board of School Education (MBSE) will hold the high school leaving certificate (HSLC) or class 10 exams from April 1. The detailed date sheet for the MBSE HSLC board exams has been released at the official website mbse.edu.in. The exam will be held from 10 am to 1 pm amid Covid-19 precautions.

The practical exams will be held from April 16 to 20. Last year, the MBSE HLSC exams were held from February 17 to March 3. This year, the schedule has been deferred across boards due to the pandemic. This year’s theory exams will be held as per the following schedule –

April 1 – English

April 5 – Social Science

April 7 – Home Science / IIT theory / Civics and economics / commercial studies

April 9 – Mizo / altenrative English / Hindi / Nepali / Bengali / Manipuri

April 12 – Science

April 15 – Mathematics

In the last year’s MBSE HSLC exams, a total of 18,594 candidates appeared of which 12,324 passed. The overall pass percentage was 68.33 per cent.
