WHO urges healthworkers to allow lifesaving mother-baby contact


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The COVID-19 pandemic is severely affecting the care of sick or premature newborn babies, with many being unnecessarily separated from their mothers and put at risk of death or long-term health problems, global health experts said on Tuesday.

Two new studies cited by the World Health Organization (WHO) found that thousands of neonatal healthcare workers are not allowing mothers with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 infections to have skin-to-skin contact with their newborns, and nearly a quarter of those surveyed are not allowing breastfeeding.

Yet keeping mothers and babies together and encouraging all babies to have so-called “kangaroo mother care” – which involves early and very close contact between a mother and a newborn – could save more than 125,000 lives, according to a study published in the Lancet EclinicalMedicine journal.

Newborn babies all over the world have “a right to the life-saving contact they need with their parents”, and this should not be denied due to the COVID-19 pandemic, said Anshu Banerjee, a WHO expert in maternal and newborn health.

“Decades of progress in reducing child deaths will be jeopardized unless we act now,” he said in a statement.

The WHO says mothers should continue to share a room with their babies from birth and be able to breastfeed and have skin-to-skin contact – even when COVID-19 is suspected or confirmed.

But a study in the BMJ Global Health journal found that two-thirds of 1,120 healthcare workers surveyed worldwide said they would separate mothers and babies with a positive COVID-19 test or if it was not clear whether they might have COVID-19.

More than 85% of those surveyed reported fearing for their own health, with personal protective equipment (PPE) shortages, stress and safety among the key concerns. In some hospitals, the survey found, vital resources including staff and oxygen supplies were being moved from newborn wards to COVID-19 wards.



Govt Asks Amazon, Flipkart to Treat All Sellers Equally in Draft E-Commerce Policy


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India will require e-commerce firms to treat sellers equally on their platforms and ensure transparency, according to a draft policy seen by Reuters on Saturday that follows criticism against business practices of big online companies. India has been deliberating a new e-commerce policy for months amid complaints from brick-and-mortar retailers who allege online giants like Amazon and Walmart’s Flipkart flout federal regulations. The companies have denied the allegations.

A Reuters special report last month revealed that Amazon has for years given preferential treatment to a small group of sellers on its India platform and used them to circumvent the country’s foreign investment rules. The latest draft of the policy document says operators should be impartial in their dealings with sellers. “E-commerce operators must ensure equal treatment of all sellers/vendors registered on their platforms and not adopt algorithms which result in prioritising select vendors/sellers,” it says.

A spokesman for the commerce ministry declined to comment.

The policy will apply to Amazon and Flipkart – two top e-commerce players in India – as well as domestic players like Reliance Industries, which has plans to expand its JioMart online platform. All three firms did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Separately, India is also considering changes to foreign investment rules that could prompt players including Amazon to restructure their ties with some major sellers, Reuters reported in January. Government officials are set to hold talks next week with industry executives on such rules, according to people with direct knowledge.

On Saturday, top government officials from various departments, including the commerce ministry, met to discuss the e-commerce policy. The timeline of publication and whether it will be subject to further changes were not immediately clear. Indian traders have also complained about steep discounts offered by online companies which smaller retailers have not been able to match. Amazon and Flipkart have said they comply with all laws. E-commerce firms must “bring out clear and transparent policies” on online discounts, the draft document says.

The Reuters special report last month – based on internal Amazon documents dated between 2012 and 2019 – showed the company helped a small number of sellers prosper on its India platform, giving them discounted fees and helping one cut special deals with big tech manufacturers. Amazon has said it “does not give preferential treatment to any seller on its marketplace,” and that it “treats all sellers in a fair, transparent, and non-discriminatory manner.”
