Twitter Faceoff: Women flaunt pics in #RippedJeans slamming Uttarakhand CM | India News – Times of India


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NEW DELHI. Newly-appointed Uttarakhand Chief Minister Tirath Singh Rawat on Tuesday said that wearing ripped jeans paves the way for societal breakdown and is a result of the “bad example” parents set for children, which also leads to substance abuse.

Recalling an old incident where he met a woman who ran an NGO wearing ripped jeans, he said, “If this kind of woman goes out in the society to meet people and solve their problems, what kind of message are we giving out to the society, to our kids? It all starts at home. What we do, our kids follow.”

Rawat’s remarks created a huge uproar on Twitter, with many women users slamming him by posting their photos in #RippedJeans

‘Focus on economy and women’s safety’

‘Ripped jeans better than ripped brains’

‘Problem is mindset not clothes’

Many celebs joined in too.
Chairperson of Delhi Commission for Women

Actor Gul Panag

Singer Sona Mohapatra

Some posted old photos of BJP MP Smriti Irani were posted to drive home their point

‘Be consistent, take a stand for Muslim women too who are forced to wear burqa/hijab’

A section of Twitter however supported Rawat for his remarks.
‘Don’t ape west blindly’

‘Torn clothes mock rape victims’

And then there were memes…..
