SBI CBO Recruitment 2020 Final Result Out; Here’s How to Check


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The State Bank Of India (SBI) declared the final result of Circle-Based Officer (CBO) 2020 at its official website Selected candidates will now have to appear for the interview rounds. The SBI CBO result is available in PDF which contains roll numbers of shortlisted candidates. According to the SBI official statement, the score for the written exam and interview round will be uploaded soon on the website.

The SBI CBO interview comprised of 100 marks and the aspirants who have scored the minimum qualifying marks are selected for the further round which is document verification process. Those who appeared for the interview can follow these steps to check their result

SBI CBO result 2020: How to check

Step 1: Type the web address of State Bank Of India – in your search bar

Step 2: Go to the homepage of SBI. on the top right corner, click on the link for ‘Career’ tab

Step 3: On the new window go to the latest announcement section and click on the link for ‘final result’ under ‘Recruitment of CBO-2020’

Step 4. SBI CBO final result 2020 will be opened in a PDF file which contains shortlisted candidates’ roll number

Step 5: Search for your roll number within the list.

Candidates must take a print out of the SBI CBO final result 2020 for further reference.

Here’s the direct link to check the SBI CBO final result 2020

The shortlisted candidates will be appointed as circle officer. They will get a remuneration between the range of Rs 23,700 to Rs 42,020. The selection of candidates is purely provisional and subjected to the fulfilment of eligibility criteria/conditions as well as the correctness of the information given by them during the registration, according to SBI.

A total of 3,850 CBO officers will be appointed through this recruitment drive. The written exam for the same was conducted on November 28.
