Tripura Teachers’ Recruitment Board releases TRBT TGT, PGT admit card: Steps to download


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The Teachers’ Recruitment Board, Tripura (TRBT) has released the admit card for the recruitment exam of trained graduate teacher (TGT) and Postgraduate Teacher (PGT). Those candidates who have registered themselves for the TRBT STGT and STPGT 2020 can now download the admit card from the official website –

Both TRBT Recruitment 2020 exams will be conducted in a single shift from 12 PM to 2:30 PM on April 4 for STGT and April 11 for STPGT. The facility to download the TRBT TGT, PGT Recruitment 2020 admit card will be available till March 9.

TRBT TGT, PGT admit card: Steps to download

All candidates who have applied for TRBT TGT and TRBT PGT 2020 can follow these steps to download the admit card:

Step 1: Open any internet browser of your preference and log on to

Step 2: On the homepage, you will see a hyperlink related to TRBT TGT and TRBT PGT 2020, click on it

Step 3: A new window will open, wherein you will have to login using your details including user ID and password

Step 4: Your admit card will open in a new tab

Step 5: Download and take a print of TRBT TGT / TRBT PGT admit card

All candidates must ensure that they are carrying a copy of their TRBT TGT, PGT Recruitment 2020 admit card to the exam venue. No candidate will be allowed to enter the exam venue without the hall ticket. The board has also advised all candidates to cross check the details mentioned in the TRBT TGT, PGT Recruitment 2020 admit card. In case of any discrepancies, the candidates must approach the concerned authorities at the earliest. The last date for resolving any issues regarding the admit card is March 14.

The Teachers’ Recruitment Board, Tripura’s Graduate Teacher and Post Graduate Teacher exams will be held in the traditional pen and paper mode. There will be a total of 150 questions of one mark each.
