west bengal schools closed: West Bengal: No physical classes till May


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KOLKATA: The schools, colleges and universities shall maintain the status quo and continue holding classes in virtual mode until the new government is sworn in. Sources in the school education and higher education department said that no directives about new classes reopening will be sent to the schools until the election results get out.

While schools will hold classes between IX and XII, the higher education institutes will keep teaching online. The college principals, however, are worried over the status quo which means that practical classes for the final-year students will remain suspended unless another round of meeting is held between the vicechancellors and the state higher education authorities.

Also, the summer vacation for several teachers is set to be suspended as the Board examinations will continue up to May and June. The students too will have curtailed vacations.

In colleges, many institution heads are worried over practical classes remaining suspended for the final semester of Undergraduate students. “Although we had opened labs for PG students, it was discontinued later,” said Siuli Sarkar, the Lady Brabourne College principal.

“We’ll continue the new session online from April 20. The summer vacation for the teachers stands cancelled. We expect to meet vaccination target in end-June and thereafter some decisions will be taken,” St James’ School principal T H Ireland pointed out.

Seema Sapru, the Heritage School principal, added that they will not call the junior classes unless it is safe for the students to attend on-campus lessons.
