WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram Face Global Outage but Twitter Kept the Memes Up
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At around 11 pm in India, many users were shocked to find that their messages were not being delivered on WhatsApp. Social media platform Facebook too seemed to be showing an error. Instagram was not spared as well. Confused about what could possibly be going on, everyone turned to Twitter. Much to their surprise, and some relief, they realised that it was not their phones that had crashed – on the contrary, the three most popular social media platforms had stopped working simultaneously. Users online started reported problems with its services late Friday at about 10:55 pm IST. Outage tracker Downdetector shows a spike in outages.
According to the site, over 34,000 people have reported facing issues on WhatsApp at the time of writing this. By the time you read this, the number is likely to have increased.