Veteran Filmmaker Rahul Rawail Gets Vaccinated Against Covid-19 in Mumbai


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Veteran Filmmaker Rahul Rawail was seen at the jumbo Covid facility in BKC, Mumbai, where the 69 year old received his first dose of vaccine against Covid- 19. While many of his peers from Bollywood are still contemplating whether they should take the vaccine shot or not, Rawail known for films like Arjun and Betaab walked straight into the vaccination center in BKC on 1st March to get vaccinated.

When we caught up with the veteran, this is what he had to say about his experience “This morning I got a call from David Dhawan saying ‘I heard you are taking the vaccine today, are you taking it today?’ I said yes. David said he will take it after two weeks, I told him what’s the point…..I didn’t even feel the pinch when I was administered the vaccine. I would prefer Covisheild over Covaxin. My doctor told me that I can go straight to the airport after the vaccine.”

Rawail who also plays an important part as a head of jury at for one of the categories at the prestigious International Indian Film Festival of India or IFFI also revealed how he had to cut his travel plans due to Covid restrictions and fear of catching the bug at his age, he said “ In this one year I traveled only for one day to goa for IFFI as there was pressure on me to come but my family didn’t want me to travel in this situation. I still went for the festival with mask, shield and gloves. Luckily nothing happened but now with this dose that fear has gone. I would ask my sons close friends parents who are elderly like me whom I will ask to come and take the vaccine. I will ask David Dhawan, my friend, to come and take a jab immediately . I will call up all the people whom I can and ask them to take this vaccine”

Now we hope Rawail inspires more seniors from-town to come and take the jab in days to come.



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