How Well is the University Prepared?


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Education has faced a major setback in India after the COVID-19 outbreak. More than 315 million learners were affected as education halted throughout the country.

The pandemic causes the universities to shut down and go in complete online mode to continue education among students.

There are various doubts and queries that arise among the people while discussing the modes of teaching. While people are still concerned about joining the offline mode of education as the coronavirus pandemic still lingers in India, some are also skeptical of whether the online mode of education called E-learning will be beneficial. The university has brought an end to this rising concern by clearing your worries with its complete preparation.

Facing the new normal

As COVID-19 is still surging in some parts of India, universities have now found out ways to battle the same and are implementing them to provide quality education. The university has prepared for all the modes of education; be it offline mode, online mode, or hybrid mode. The online mode of education had certain concerns on whether it would be beneficial for future reference, or not.

The university has now braced itself to give quality education through an online medium. It has planned for using various mediums of technology to ensure that the students get the best learning experience in an online learning/E-learning mode similar to that of the offline mode of academic delivery. Various assessments and assignments will be provided to ensure a hands-on learning experience through online mode.

If the government recommends a classroom mode of academic delivery, the university has ensured that the State and Central Government protocols related to COVID-19 shall be adhered to in letter and spirit. The university has revamped the existing infrastructure to welcome new students coming to the campus while implementing ways to make them feel better and energetic.

Having prepared for all modes of education, the university now awaits the confirmation of the Government for the coming academic year to deliver a world-class experience to the students.

Health issues- the spotlight

As per various research and confirmation from psychologists, India has scrutinized depression and anxiety among students and teachers due to the online mode of education, as there is a huge pressure on both the teams to convey the teaching and to grasp the knowledge through an online medium.

Keeping this in consideration, the university is well prepared in this concerned subject. It has established a dedicated Task Force to guide the students, faculty, and staff members suffering from any kind of mental or psychological issues pertaining to academics, COVID-19, or associated areas.

Psychologists of the university have been mentoring the students and employees to enable them to overcome their routine stress as well as stress arising due to online academic delivery and assessment mechanisms.

Unveiling talents

The offline mode of education gave students leverage to unveil talents with the help of cultural festivals and various other activities.

Keeping a close eye on those talents, the university has organized multiple engaging activities and programs through online mode to give an opportunity to the students to exhibit their special talents so that they can nurture their hobbies and passion.

Availing technology to upskill

The focus on enhancing experiential learning is high with an emphasis on technology-enabled skill enhancement. The university used the online mode of academic delivery and leveraged the Zoom platform to conduct a series of webinars, online lectures, and online events to sustain the model of excellence in academics, research, and allied areas.

Proffer placements

As students were dubious of finding jobs or if the university would have been able to offer placements like they did when lectures were conducted offline, the university did not fail to abide to the needs and expectations of the students. It has focused on maintaining the pace of placements even during the times of COVID-19. The university proffer students with placements through online interviews held on technology-based sources like Zoom.

University so far has been committed to enhancing the overall experience of students in teaching, learning, and assessment. And it also aims to do so in the future.

By catering to all the needs of the students and employees, the university ensures that all the guidelines put forth by the authorities will be followed and there will be proper sanitization and social distancing among the staff members and students.

The university is also prepared to keep the students engaged in online mode by having assessments and gaining knowledge on advanced technologies while it also strives to offer students online placements via interviews.

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About the Author

Author: Sachin Gupta

Sachin Gupta is the Chancellor at Sanskriti University. His motto is providing holistic education to so that they have “excellence in life”. He was conferred Youngest Chancellor award by Her Excellency Smt. Pratibha Patil and Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji. The prominent amongst the awards conferred on him are Bharat Gaurav Samman, Bharat Vidya Shiromani, Young Edupreneur, Youngest Chancellor Award etc. Ensuring holistic development of students to make them skilled is very close to his heart. A visionary and a selfless leader with exceptional interpersonal, social and administrative skills is an appropriate description of Sh. Sachin Gupta. He was aptly, honoured with Bharat Gaurav Samman in USA, besides a recognition award by Dr. A. P.J. Abdul Kalam.

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